5 may 2022 Dave Oneegs chat telegram creepy Joe Biden Javelins & Javelin.

2 years ago


This is as funny as it tragic.
What chief kiddy sniff fails to say,
is that he and his family’s criminal activity in UKRAINE have contributed to causing the war and the loss of so many lives.

It’s the same old cause the problem,
create a reaction and then provide a “solution.”

The US is currently flooding the Ukraine with weapons, helping to escalate things further.

And old creepy clown Biden wants to score some political points because parents are naming their children after anti tank missiles???

The insanity has no end 🇺🇸🤦🏻‍♂️👹🤡😂

#laughorcry #javelina 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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