What does The Bible say? Part 1

2 years ago

Too many men leading churches and assemblies are twisting what the bible says in order to get people to do their own personal will rather than the will of the Heavenly Father. This is part one of a study looking at what the bible says and the true meaning of specific verses that are often quoted and misinterpreted out of context.

Hopefully the questions I pose will cause other believers to think for themselves and not be deceived by wolves in sheep's closing who seek to use, manipulate and control them. YHWH gives us free will. Imposing your will on others is considered to be witchcraft and it is of the devil. We must fear and obey YHWH, not men. YHWH has chosen and anointed many men throughout the eons to lead and guide us in his ways but not to lord over us and take advantage of his flock.

I pray that this study will help believers to be able to identify and avoid deception, bondage and unnecessary division in the body of Messiah.

-Brother Paul

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