12 must know types of emotional abuse [Don’t Miss These!]

2 years ago

12 MUST KNOW TYPES OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE [DON’T MISS THESE!] // In this video I will cover the 12 types of emotional abuse that are most common and break each one down by their meaning and definition. These can also be considered the 12 types of mental abuse and ways that abusers confuse you to maintain power and control over you. These will really help with understanding emotional abuse and its impact on you and are top signs of an emotionally abusive relationship. If you’ve ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship (parents or partner) you’ve more than likely experienced one, if not all of these. They do a number on the beliefs you have about yourself and identity you now carry. An emotionally abusive relationship is one you must quickly and safely get out of then commit to yourself to doing the inner work to healing after having been in one so you don’t bleed all of your inner unhealed wounds onto others who are undeserving. Ready to heal after understanding more about mental and emotional abuse?
Visit www.re-write-your-life.com

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