An Chloe (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K. 524) for My Chloe's 18th Birthday

3 years ago

My youngest baby, Chloe, who was named for this, one of my favorite classical art songs, by my favorite composer, turned 18 on August 28, 2020.

So, I had meant to make a recording of this song for her for a while. This seemed like the best time, finally!!

Happy Birthday BB!!

Poem by Johann Georg Jacobi:
(with Translation below)

Wenn die Lieb' aus deinen blauen,
hellen, offnen Augen sieht,
und vor Lust hinein zu schauen
mir's im Herzen klopft und glüht;

Und ich halte dich und küsse
deine Rosenwangen warm,
liebes Mädchen, und ich schließe
zitternd dich in meinem Arm,

Mädchen, Mädchen, und ich drücke
dich an meinen Busen fest,
der im letzten Augenblicke
sterbend nur dich von sich läßt;

den berauschten Blick umschattet
eine düstre Wolke mir,
und ich sitze dann ermattet,
aber selig neben dir.
When love shines from your blue,
bright, open eyes,
and the joy of gazing into them
makes my heart pound and glows;

And I hold you and kiss
Your rosy cheeks warm,
dear girl, and I clasp
you trembling in my arms,

Girl, girl, and I press
you firmly to my breast,
which at the last moment,
only dying, lets you go;

My intoxicated gaze is shadowed
by a gloomy cloud,
and then I sit, exhausted,
but blissful, next to you.

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