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The Obama Revolution

2 years ago

The American Oligarchy pushes for nuclear war as humanity awakens to their heinous crimes

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  • 0/2000
  • arrest the evil treasonous traitors, give them a quick trial, the execute them !

  • I think we may be too late to stop ww3, putin and china would never have dared invade the Ukraine had trumps been in power! Their sabre rattling would have never happened under trump he was tough but diplomatic, Biden is bought and paid for as are the Clinton’s and obummer too this is why we are seeing china and russia seemingly doing what they like with little or no help available from the U.S!! Other than the help they gave a terrorist regime in Afghanistan by supplying them with enough equipment that they now have a better equipped military then most of the countries in their area. Corrupt to them core and its the world that going to pay for it

  • How?

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