Medical emergency: FOI request reveals cardiac referrals in UK hospital more than tripled in 2021

2 years ago

It's an absolute disgrace that official numbers aren't being adequately collected and also not openly shared with the public in adequate detail.

The referrals in 2021 might have clipped due to capacity constraints, i.e. there may be (significantly) more than 603 cases, but they don't show up in the statistics because cardiologists aren't accepting more referrals since they're already swamped by their current patients.

Cardiac incidents are already at the top of the list of causes of morbidity and mortality, so an increase like what we're currently seeing is massive both in relative and absolute terms.

Note that the very low rate in 2020 (probably because people didn't go to hospital because they were afraid and/or were not welcome there) significantly lowers the average between 2018 and 2020. This would mean the relative increase in 2021 is lower. Judging from the 2018 and 2019, the average yearly referrals is about 190-195.

With the massive safety signals popping up everywhere, the efficacy of the jabs having turned negative and the presence of harmless and effective alternatives, the campaigns of the unnecessary, novel, experimental injections should be halted immediately. However, with the exception of Denmark (who will halt the campaign by mid-May), no country is taking such steps.


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