Gina Wilkinson - When the Apricots Bloom

2 years ago

Gina Wilkinson - When the Apricots Bloom - Gina Wilkinson writes, "I've been a nomad from the age of six-months, when my parents packed me and our Siamese cat into an old Renault and set off for a remote gold-mining town in Australia's Nullarbor desert. Since then I've circumnavigated the globe many times. As a foreign correspondent, I reported from some of the globe's most intriguing and dangerous places for renowned broadcasters such as the BBC, NPR, and the ABC."

Get Gina's Iraqi-based thriller on Amazon at

Enjoy this episode where we talk about Gina’s book, her living in Iraq, and other aspects of our guest’s life, as we always do.

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Haiku Need a book to read? That's When the Apricots Bloom So do hit that link ​Similar episodes: Dee C Lee Anna Simons Mike Guardia

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