The Protest Show: Disinformation Information Specialization

2 years ago


It sounds made up, but in the United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave, we now have a Disinformation Governance Board, otherwise known as the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. Or at least it was during the tenure of Goebbels in Nazi Germany. What’s impressive is how sensitive progressives don’t see the direct parallel. So, to answer the question, “Could it ever happen again?” Yes, but they’ll all feel like they’re doing the right thing when they put you in camps.
The first question is—how can you govern disinformation when your administration is the source of it? What’s next? Putting Keith Richards in charge of The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
If they were as concerned about the economy as they were about enforcing the narrative… they’d be canceling gas prices instead of tweets. That’s like saying you want to do something about the drug problem in America, but in your own family… oh, wait. Maybe that’s a little too close to home. Sorry, Joe. Didn’t mean to bring that up.
Spoke-ah-z-perzon Jen Psaki said Trump started the Disinformation Governance Board. Then she just went on with her day while the rest of us waited for that little thing called evidence. I was baffled until I found out this was her audition for CNN.
Biden quoted his father saying, “The greatest sin of all that anyone could commit was the abuse of power.” So, the apple does fall far from the tree.
Let’s look at just a few of President Banana Joe’s abuses of power. First, the Ministry of Thought Control—a clear abuse of power. By someone. Maybe not Joe. Can he even control his own thoughts? “Harvey says that Pooh-Puten is gonna get it.” It’s like Biden is living in a sequel: The Return of Donnie Darko.
Second is the Biden Administration’s desire to override parental authority, which favors some third-grade teacher who believes Randall is a girl. Puberty blockers? How about Biden Administration blockers?
Speaking of abuse of power. How about “10% for the big guy.” Unless this was Hunter’s way of saying he would tithe part of his kickbacks to church.
But where did this abuse of power start? Remember that guy named Obama who spoke to the Big Tech companies expressing his happiness about their attempts to censor “truly dangerous content.”
What will this Disinformation Governance Board do? Well, according to Tulsi Gabbard, the Democrat that all conservatives have a crush on, the board would “work through the mainstream media” to spread whatever the chosen narrative was — and that it would do so at taxpayer expense, trying to “drown out anyone with alternate views.” I’m a little confused. Why do we need a Disinformation Governance Board when we have Facebook? And CNN? And MSNBC? And ABC, NBC, CBS and Disney, and every Netflix series and film in Hollywood?
She also argued that the board would “silence dissenting voices through intimidation.” What are they gonna do? Threaten that Biden will run again?
The only good thing that might come out of the Disinformation Governance Board is that when Disinformation Governance Board: The Musical starring Nina Jankowicz is released—it will be censored.
What’s perplexing about the left is that they want to restrict my right to say “abortion is murder” but want to allow the murder of babies. Yeah, I’m waiting for a punch line too.
Last night after writing this program, it came to our attention that the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade had possibly been leaked. Next week we’ll do a special episode about all the people in this country who are about to lose their minds. But let me say this, I had eggs for breakfast this morning. And I noticed the carton said “cage-free” eggs because this is a pressing moral issue for people in our culture today—a chicken’s quality of life. “Is that poor chicken just locked in a cage pooping out eggs for my consumption?” And yet, to be concerned about a chicken’s apartment complex and still be pro-abortion is to be guilty of colossal hypocrisy. Oh, I know, I know, the baby’s viability in the womb. Folks, I have Thanksgiving dinner with relatives who aren’t viable yet. One man’s viability is another man’s brother-in-law. So, as our world is about to get even crazier, tune in next week for our special on Roe, Roe, Roe, You’re Out!

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