This Helps Me as a Day Trader of Stocks and Options

2 years ago

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If you have experience as a day trader with stocks and options, there is no doubt in my mind we can agree on the following statement: day trading is hard! Yes, you can make good money as a day trader and give yourself the opportunity at freedom of time; however, all things worth fighting for... well... require fighting! Given we are operating under the fact that day trading is hard, it would then be logical to question, “is there anything we can do to help ourselves out?”. I’ve been involved in the stock market and world of day trading for almost 20 years now, so I can say with authority I have tried many different things! I’ll be the first to admit there is no secret pill or magical system (at least none that I’m aware of!), but I wanted to share with you the one choice I made that has helped out quite a bit. Rest assured! This video is not going to start to lecture you “in theory” about how this all works. I will be using some of my personal day trading results that I captured, live, on video to illustrate the core lessons and suggestion. Whether you are a beginner day trader who is just starting or a day trader with lots of experience but still looking for ways to help yourself, there will be value in this video!

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