France on brink of war with Russia

2 years ago

France on brink of war with Russia as Putin ready to 'tip' Macron into Ukraine conflict

VLADIMIR PUTIN could decide to make France one of Ukraine's "co-belligerents" and tilt France into war with Russia, a defense consultant warns.

Tensions have been rising in France since Emmanuel Macron’s Government announced weapon deliveries to Ukraine – a first for the country since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine started – over the risk of war escalation with Russia. Until late April, France had refused to support Ukraine out of fear of moving closer to war. France has since provided €100 million worth of weaponry and artillery to Ukraine to defend itself against Russian forces. Defense consultant Jérôme Pellistrandi argued the move could "tip" France on the precipice of war with Russia.
Speaking to French broadcaster BFM TV, Mr Pellistrandi said: “If Putin considers that helping Ukraine with military means is co-belligerence, he could indeed say so.”
Speaking to French broadcaster BFM TV, Mr Pellistrandi said: “If Putin considers that helping Ukraine with military means is co-belligerence, he could indeed say so.”

But the legal meaning of co-belligerence – an informal military alliance with a foreign country to wage war against a common enemy – is non-existent in international law, making it more manipulable.
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