Yahweh Loves Goyim Pt. 2: The Israel Only Position? - David Curtis (2022 Conference)

2 years ago

This message will be a polemic against the Israel Only doctrine. In this message we will be dealing with who are the goyim. And how does Jonah disprove this aberrant doctrine.

Yahweh Loves Goyim Pt. 2: The Israel Only Position? - Delivered 04/30/2022 - Pastor David B. Curtis - Berean Bible Church - http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org

Link to listen to the audio version of this message: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/audio/2022%20Conference/06%20David%20Curtis%20-%20Yahweh%20Loves%20Goyim%20Pt2.mp3

Study Index (for all past sermon transcripts, audios, and videos): https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/studyIndex.php

This lecture was presented at the 2022 Spring Bible Conference held by Berean Bible Church each year in late April. Keep an eye on our main website for details, and/or sign up to our mailing list to get updates when the conference gets close.

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