MCToon Clown Prince of Gravity

2 years ago

For The Folly of Michael Toon Clown Prince of Gravity: IGSN71 Measurement Interpretation Bias:

The IGSN71 measurements that Michael Toon raves about are based upon the assumption that Gravity is real, and therefore, Michael Toon’s entire Flat Earth Gravity Challenge contest is based upon the submitter obeying Scientism protocols, and Scientism rules, in order to arrive at Scientism conclusions. Essentially, Michael Toon et alia assume that Gravity exits in order to confirm Gravity exits, while using leveraged Scientism tests to confirm their bias. And he wants the contestant to waltz into his methodological trap so that he can reject any data that does not subscribe to the unscientific methodologies and pseudo-scientific technologies that he employs.

Michael Toon’s entire Flat Earth Gravity Challenge contest is a desperately biased attempt at railroading the contestant into the forgone conclusion that Gravity is measured by Gravimeter readings. It is a juvenile Scientism snare set for the unsuspecting participant.

This is one reason why I did not take his contest parameters seriously…well, at least not serious enough to even read through it all…because his contest parameters are methodologically biased and only applicable if you already assume Gravity exits and that testing for Gravity with Gravimeters is a viable means of confirming Gravity’s existence, which after researching Gravimetry, with its internal inconsistencies, interpolative assumptions, and interpretive inaccuracies, is clearly not the case.

Michael Toon’s approach to Gravimetry is a study in Measurement Interpretation Bias and Experimental Confirmation Bias, since regardless of what vibrations or movements Gravimeters measure, in Toon’s eyes, and largely in the eyes of those who read these measurements, there tends to be an overly simplistic misinterpretation applied in each case, slanted towards any reading as a confirmation of Gravity, essentially because that is what they are testing for. If they were testing for a new form of quantum electromagnetism, then they would catalogue their readings as confirmation of a new form of quantum electromagnetism. It they were testing for the presence of invisible cosmic fairy dust, then each result would confirm that. In other words, they are asserting something invisible exists, and then simply inserting the word, “Gravity”, and asserting that they detected it because they notice perturbations in their instruments, without sufficiently and properly ruling out the myriad of other explanations for their readings, which multiple peer-reviewed abstracts confirm.

Hence, at this stage, Gravimetry results cannot confirm, if we are to adhere to the methodologies and best practices inherent within the scientific method, that Gravity is any kind of causal antecedent to perturbations found in Gravimetry experimental design, or even that Gravity is an appreciable working hypothesis or theory.

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