3 years ago

What is wrong with #MatthewMcConaughey. Apparently, as of this passed week, the looks-fading actor is seriously exploring the idea of running for governor of #Texas 2022. Yesterday, the leader of the state's Democratic Party said the party would embrace the celebrity candidate with open arms. I quote, Gilberto Hinojosa, the chair of the #TexasDemocraticParty, as saying to Politico on Monday "we would welcome him if he ultimately decided to run. He's young, good-looking, smart and has a little wildness — but this is Texas," Hinojosa said. "We like that stuff."

How shallow does Hinojosa think WE are? Rumor has it that #McConaughey, the #dazedandconfused star has also been privately making calls to influential political figures in the state to test the waters. I think he's dazed and confused alright! . Let's talk about it. Join the stream:

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