DrBill.TV #510 - The PTZ Security Camera Edition!

2 years ago

Dr. Bill does a review of the ZUMIMALL GX2S PTZ Wireless Security Camera to secure your home, as well as some tech news about a Google Chrone Browser hack, and a teaser for the next show on the Wal-Mart Onn 4K Video Streamer! (May 04, 2022)

00:00 Intro
01:25 The Camera itself
01:54 My need for home security
07:54 Google Chrome security Issue
09:25 ZUMIMALL GX2S PTZ Wireless Security Camera unboxing
14:32 ZUMIMALL Software overview on my phone
22:58 Wal-Mart Onn 4K Video Streamer on sale teaser!

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