New Emails Released by Durham Detail Extensive Collusion Between Media and Clinton Campaign!!

2 years ago

Special counsel John Durham published 62 pages of emails that detail extensive—and early—contact between Clinton operatives Fusion GPS and prominent members of the corporate media.

What makes Durham’s disclosure so explosive isn’t that the media parroted Clinton campaign talking points; we already knew that pushing Clinton narratives into the public realm was the media’s main occupation during the 2016 presidential campaign. The real bombshell is that members of the corporate media were actively collaborating with Clinton operatives to create those narratives—including enthusiastically participating in a scheme to frame an innocent man.

These email exchanges disclosed by Durham involved The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Reuters, Slate Magazine, and Yahoo News.

When contacted for comment on these revelations, not a single reporter or news outlet implicated in the collusion with Fusion replied. Nor has there been any apology—or admission—of their collusion.

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