Higher by Tracee Lee Padilla | Unveiled Living

3 years ago

Back in 2012 I walked through the darkest valley of my life going through a divorce after being married almost 22 years. It shook my trust in the Lord for the next two years as I struggled to understand the 'why' of the season I was walking in, trying to make sense of it all. I refused to walk away from God but neither could I fully trust Him.

In the Lord's gentle way, over the course of those two years, He kept showing up faithfully over and over again, providing and bringing comfort in ways that I knew could only happen because of Him.

A softening of the broken pieces of my heart began to take place. I found myself releasing more of my pain, my questioning, and my fears to Him until the day came.

Spring of 2014.

Sunday morning.

Sitting on my bed with trembling hands, I opened up my Bible to Proverbs 3:5-6 and began to read this promise:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

As I read it outloud, my voice shook, my heart fluttered, was I really ready to fully surrender everything back to the Lord? I knew my answer was yes. I knew it was time to lay down my fears, lay down the pain, lay down the questions that I couldn't find answers to and fully come back to my first love, Jesus.

No one loves me like He does. No one.

And no one will ever love you like He does. No one.

I wrote this song, Higher, out of the journey I've walked as the Lord has revealed to me how much He truly loves me and how His ways will forever be higher than anything I could ever grasp for in this world.

In the release of our lives into the palm of His hand, His grace and love are found there, in the high places. It's a place we don't understand because God's ways and his thoughts are not as we think or do, but it's in that place where HE is there. He's safe. He surrounds you with the greatest love you'll ever know.

Let's go Higher. That's where Jesus is.


Facebook: @unveiledlivingwithtraceeleepadilla
Instagram: @unveiledliving

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