Don’t Assume Liberals Leaked Roe Vs Wade SCOTUS Draft

2 years ago

Politico leaks Roe v Wade SCOTUS draft. The Majority Rejory crew alongside Nomiki Konst discuss the Politico leak and the motives behind it. The MR crew also talks about Nomiki’s experience with Politico.

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This is a good sort of exercise to run with any leaks, like even ones that seem like really good on the surface of it like why am i learning about this way. That has been my watchwords about anything in Politico for 15 when you read anything in Politico you have to ask thank you what is it that the person who gave this to Politico wants to have happen. That's the way you read Politico it's not the writing there it's like why am i hearing this? Because Politico anything that goes to Politico is specifically being used at it is being weaponized by somebody. I'm in agreement about the weapon i told totally in agreement about Politico particularly and it's not just them but they're the most aggressive egregious example of it but i think the simplest explanation is that it was somebody who saw the opinion as extremists and they gave it to the press and will not we're not going to know but- i mean i don't know you're like I think outsmarting the meaning behind the leak i mean this is. You're a clerk who is worried about this yeah brief and you're gonna bring it to Politico i mean i'm in Washington DC i might know somebody? i go to i mean i i the politic i think like the idea that you go to Politico there's a reason why Snowden went to Greenwald at the time and you go to the person that you think is you're gonna trust the most. That person who thinks that this is too extreme ain't trust in anybody working for Politico.

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