The Barren Fig Tree, Benedict XVI’s resignation, Messianic Jews, Supreme Court Leak, Meekness, & Extreme Emotions during Prayer Unlisted Video

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In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele discuss the following viewer questions: Omniscience and Christ’s human nature — did Christ know the fig tree He cursed was barren? Why would he curse it?; the Father’s of the Church — tree is a symbol; God gave the power, and it returned nothing; our Lord’s parables about the vineyard and its fruitfulness; Israel’s rejection of our Lord. Benedict XVI’s resignation invalid due to substantial error? — was the error because of Vatican II? Could we use this situation to overturn Vatican II? — Benedict XVI’s motives for resigning; the homosexual mafia; the resignation coerced?; Vigano on reexamining Benedict XVI’s resignation — what is to gain?; the motive to invalidate Francis; the merits of the sedevacantist position; do you need to have the Catholic faith to be the pope?; Catholic position — no manifest heretic can be the pope; dogmatic sedevacantism and the authority to bind consciences; dogmatic anti-sedevacantism contradicting Catholic tradition; both dogmatic positions commit the same kind of error. Fr. Jenkins calling Daniel Dolan “Father” rather than “Bishop” and whether he took the vaccine; Fr. Jenkins — “Might have taken”, not “did take” the vaccine — asking the question; did not know Fr. Dolan’s position on the vaccine; the death toll from the vaccine; some strongly against the vaccine still take it; little information still on cause of Fr. Dolan’s death; controversy about Terri Schiavo’s death; SSPV does not accept the legitimacy of the Thuc consecrations and certainly valid and Catholic; “Archbishop” is Vigano’s public title in the Novus Ordo – not the same as a Catholic Archbishop. Messianic Jews — Jews who accept Jesus as the Messiah but promote the Jewish festivals; similarity to the Novus Ordo; not licit to celebrate the shadow when the reality has come; St. Paul and the Judaizers; St. Peter and the first general counsel in Acts 15 — converts and the law of Moses; St. Paul — we are not saved by the Law of Moses; Martin Luther adulterating Scripture about “law” and “faith”; Christ is the fulfillment of the Law; inserting mosaic judaism back into Christianity. The supreme court leaked draft on Roe vs. Wade; authentic but not final; who leaked it — collusion by one of the justices? Leftist leak to rally pressure against it?; Majority vote against Roe vs. Wade in draft; Politico — Justice Alito author of the draft; the count of those who had access to the draft keeps growing; the democrats’ opposition to the filibuster; the democrats’ fear of states in the union that will outlaw abortion; controversy about the legality of the leak; death of truth by experts; the media and stoking revolution; conservative call for investigation; legalizing the murder of babies — the beginning of the end for the U.S.A.?; Our Lady of Fatima — sin is the fundamental issue; the loss of faith; the faithful must not be intimidated; meekness — humility about our own opinions, but having a lion’s heart for the honor of Christ; the democrats’ double standard about “insurrection”. How to practice meekness when gravely wronged; extremely difficult; our Lord — forgive if you want to be forgiven; what others do to us vs. what we have done to our Lord; being wronged is a great opportunity; not against the law of Christ to seek redress; against the law of Christ to be moved by malice; is there something to gain by confrontation?; victory over ourselves for the sake of Christ is an amazing gain; opening the floodgates of God’s forgiveness and mercy by being merciful. Great emotions of sorrow and joy when praying the Rosary — is this normal?; extreme emotions not necessarily a sign of holiness; extreme emotions not wrong if it does not draw attention to the person; preachers of old moved people to tears or great joy; be careful of mistaking emotions for the essence of prayer — raising the mind and heart to God.

This video was livestreamed on 5/3/2022.

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