BIG Channel updates, Discord Server is LIVE & much more!

3 years ago


In celebrating the Channel hitting 5,000 Subscribers, I wanted to do a couple of things to say "Thank you!!!" to my awesome audience.

First off, we have a new Discord Server that's Live right now and here's the link - and when you get there, say a big hello and thank you to our 1st Official Moderator RADCRAFT. He's behind all the bells and whistles and in the future, we plan on having exclusive Members Only Rooms where there'll be one on one talks with our Supporters but in the meantime, enjoy it while it's not too crowded. I welcome all of your genuine feedback and anything you'd like to see on the Channel, let us know. We're there and waiting to hear from you.

Next on the menu is the new video Intro Trailer. This will be playing before each new Video goes up on the Channel as a reminder of whose Channel you're watching (in case you forget) and it shows ya some super fun moments in my life.

Finally, I'm working on a new video of (you guessed it) not one but TWO wakes and these things are CRAZY big. I recommend listening with headphones to get the full experience! That video will be coming soon and it will hopefully be less than 5 minutes. Gone are the days of putting up an unedited videos and having to tell you where to fast forward to so you get to see the best part of the action. I know that's no fun and so as the Channel continues to grow, you'll notice that a LOT of things are going to be changing and it starts right here.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and be sure everyone around you is doing well. 

P.S. Until the Channel is Monetized and we can start Live Streaming, using Super Chats & Patreon, if you want to contribute to me and this Channel's future, you can do that through PayPal using

See you soon!


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