BEN BIKMAN 7 | FAT LOSS SUCCESS: Lower-insulin:1-low hunger 2-metabolic rate UP 3-excrete calories!

2 years ago
presents episode 443 | Dr Ben Bikman
Dr Anthony Chaffee podcast

Focusing on a low-insulin approach to fat loss...
1-NOT a hunger-based approach
You can't beat hunger
You must be satisfied, or will never stop eating
2-When insulin low, metabolic rate is higher
Even if eating more calories than needed,
You are pushing out more than normal
3-When making ketones; also excrete ketones
Ketones have caloric value, so when
you breath out or urinate out ketones
you are pushing out calories

These are calories that:
-did not need to be stored
-did not need to be burned
-are wasted energy (a GOOD THING for fat loss)
The body is determined to reconcile energy when insulin is low
"I have all this energy; I just don't need it"
Insulin wants to:
-store energy &
-slow metabolic rate &
-promote tissue growth

Question: What about Alzheimer's Disease?
-classic view: it is caused by plaques in the brain
-but, this is out of favor...
~lots of drugs reduce plaques, but no affect on disease
~people, with no disease, have had lots of plaques in brain

In insulin resistance:
-brain cannot use insulin well enough to...
-open glucose transporters to fuel the brain
-brain starts to go hungry &
~brain has very high metabolic rate, so: gap in energy
-gap could be filled by ketones, however
~in person who is insulin resistant:
They do not have any ketones!
"Insulin inhibits ketogenesis"

So: brain is:
-swimming in glucose that it cannot use
-calling out for ketones, but insulin won't let it get

Evidence that, if fill the energy gap with ketones...
-example, ketone esters (Dr Dom D'agostino's research)
-their cognition improves
-if a loved one has it, increase their ketones
-to keep it at bay:
~keep your brain insulin sensitive &
~give it ketones (its preferred fuel)


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