The Ministry of Truth

2 years ago

The Biden administration is creating a new agency within the Department of Homeland Security, the Disinformation Governance Board. Inspired by the concerns over the proliferation of false information through social media, the Disinformation Governance Board aims to crack down on irresponsible mistruths that could place themselves or even our democracy in danger. Of course, by mistruths, they mean things that current people in power decide are untrue. With these decisions inevitably reflecting their own worldviews and personal biases. This should ring alarm bells for anyone concerned about freedom of expression or the abuse of government power. Sam Martin breaks it down in this episode of Freedom Over Fear.

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Free the People specializes in video production, creative storytelling, and social media engagement. We are building a community of people who believe in the values of freedom, entrepreneurship, individual responsibility, choice, and peaceful cooperation. Free the People finds and tells stories of people affecting positive change in their community through entrepreneurship and innovation. We defend free choice in everything from drug policy, to health care and retirement, to every aspect of the sharing economy. Our values, like "equal treatment under the law" and "innocent until proven guilty," animate fights for criminal justice reform. We tell the stories of people who have lived through the hardships of authoritarianism and collectivism throughout history. We show our viewers that beautiful things can happen when free people come together to make the world a better place.

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