Episode 33: The Arguments for the Resurrection by John Tors (2/7)

2 years ago

English dramatist Christopher Bullock said in 1716, “‘Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes,” and rightly so. Every person, from the lowliest to the most powerful, ends his life in death from which is no return – with one exception: Jesus Christ, who was put to death by crucifixion in AD 33 and then rose again, the only person ever to come back from the dead. If this is true, we have no reasonable choice but to believe His message and follow Him. But is it true? Many sceptics have strenuously challenged the resurrection of Jesus, and if they are correct, “if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile we are of all men the most pitiable” (1 Corinthians 15:17b,19b). In this seven-part series, we look at the best arguments for the resurrection in this podcast. Please have a listen, and we hope you will enjoy it!

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