Shane Blackfoot Presentation Lawful PMA Tuesday May 3 2022, 8 PM Central Update

2 years ago

Greetings Sovereigns

Shane Blackfoot Presentation Lawful PMA (Private Member Association) Tuesday May 3 2022, 8 PM Central

A Private Membership Association (“PMA”) is men and woman collectively asserting and standing upon their rights to determine what devices, products, procedures, or services will be used by them to maintain the health of their own body, mind or spirit; and Men and women collectively asserting and standing upon their right to Provide and share, legal and lawful services, procedures, advice, counsel, tips and any other information or services which may be deemed beneficial to Association members...
What is a PMA?

A PMA is similar to a private family in that what is stated or done inside the family home by, to and among family members is not generally subject to any governmental scrutiny, censorship or control.

What are my rights as a member of a PMA?

Deal only with members of a PMA, privately, in a PMA, in the private domain and you are protected by several rights secured by the state and federal constitutions and you are not , generally, subject to Public Laws such as the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
Do members of a private membership association have the right to contract?

Members of a private membership association have the right to private contract under the due process liberty, and states may not pass laws that impair the obligation of a contract

Join us Tues May 3 2022 8 PM Central for the next Presentation - Shane Blackfoot Presentation Lawful PMA (Private Member Association) or Call in 647-374-4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985

Please share on Social media and email family and friends

Freedom and Self-sufficiency

I want to give the floor to every sovereign who, in everyday life, strives to bring freedom into the lives of those who live around them.

Life has led many Sovereign to live personal and work experiences in search for freedom, true freedom. The kind of freedom that is not without rules but can also be experienced without rules, that becomes freedom when it is linked to self-sufficiency.

Do you feel free?

Unfortunately not. I continually face the system of corruption with no accountability, conditionings and rules that imprison me. And I realise it even more after feeling free for a few days.

I Would like to tell you how I do feel free?

I could wake up and get up whenever I wanted. I would eat when I got hungry ..

I would read in the shade of beautiful trees and a few meter distance from the creek. I let go of all the thoughts I had on my shoulders and forgot everything. I felt free. Free from any conditioning. Free from anything I had to do. Free from thoughts. A clarity of thoughts rarely experienced before.

What a wonderful experience! Now I have a strong desire to be in the same situation. This is my journey to freedom. I know many of you want the same or searching for your dream is to create a self-sufficient farm. Do you think that once self-sufficient you will be able to experience the same freedom?

Before answering you, let me just say what self-sufficiency means for me.

I could say that self-sufficiency is synonymous with freedom, so much so that the opposite of “self-sufficiency” is “dependence” and if we depend on something, we are hardly free.

I think we should all roll up our sleeves and try to no longer be dependent on the corporations for water, energy, food and health. Unfortunately, we rarely think about these aspects, so we don’t ask ourselves who we depend on for living. Most of the so-called developed countries have left their lives in the hands of a small group of corporations of multinational companies whose main objective is to enrich themselves endlessly, without regard to our health and the environment, since they always come after profit.

There is only one way to get rid of this world oligarchy and it’s stopping buying their products. For example, if we decide to buy what is possible locally, we already take a big step, we are helping our community, we are limiting the power of multinationals, we weave relationships. But we can take a further and even more noble step which is self-sufficiency.

Usually self-sufficiency is also resilience. In the book “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen, the author makes a realistic reconstruction of what would happen to humanity in case of an unexpected catastrophic event, which blasts electricity for a prolonged period of time. Those who depend on hospitals and drugs would be hopeless. Those who do not have food and depend on the supermarket would be fasting. Those who receive water through long pipes fed by pumps would remain dry. Those who can rely on their own spring water or water collected by fall, their own vegetable garden, their own wood to keep warm, who can produce their own energy, and don’t need chemical drugs… they have a much better chance of remaining unharmed in case of a catastrophe and adapting to a new way of life.

I think we should all roll up our sleeves and try to no longer be dependent on the corporations for water, energy, food and health. Unfortunately, we rarely think about these aspects, so we don’t ask ourselves who we depend on for living.

Ultimately, what is the answer? To me a sovereign is free when he/she does not depend on corporations and on the many constraints they induce. Then, it he/she is free also in a broader sense, that I cannot say. Maybe he/she becomes a slave to the vegetable garden and her animals, but at least it’s under his/her control.

At what stage is your dream of self-sufficiency?

The farm we have is already real, even if actually it’s not 100% self-sufficient yet, as I would like it to be. The water we use comes from our well and the springs, partly shared with other farmers, our neighbors, through a consortium that we created together. The wood stove obviously works with the wood from our forest.

The fields are mulched with our wood chips and straw.

Our gardens are fertilized organically. We try to self-produce the seeds and in some months of the year we arrive at about 80% of self-produced food. We do not use chemicals in the fields, as well as we don’t take drugs or antibiotics in our bodies. We still have work to do from the energy point of view, but there are improvements every year.

In these years in the search for self-sufficiency, I have made a huge amount of mistakes that luckily I could afford. Maybe in the future I won’t be able to afford making mistakes and all the ones I’ve made so far will be useful to me.

The path to freedom starts with you.

As many of you know we are reaching more and more on Solutions. This is great news, the zoom has increased with many new faces eager to learn, educate and share the important information!

It is essential to get the critical intel being shared to as many people as possible. Thank you for your patience as we gear up for a busy season with more and more powerful voices with Solutions.


Please email us Ideas or if you have a presentation you would be interested in Presenting.

If you have not already done so, please join our Telegram channel at

Please share the Rumble Channel - as our Solution based message is reaching world Wide!

If you have missed any of the previous broadcasts, it's a great week to get caught up! Enjoy and please SHARE WIDELY - this is how we take ground by making an imprint in the digital space.

* Recent* March 29, 2022
Scott Rayner Special Presentation on Community Building

RUMBLE: To watch and share the link on your social media site and forward to like-minded freedom fighters!

Join the Zoom it is an amazing place where friendships are created, ideas formulated, and MOST important to be around like-minded people discussing Solutions.
5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily
or Call in 647-374-4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985

From these meetings we learn to build our own local community meetings, the more involved the more we take back our freedom.

Sovereigns concerned are gathering to bring you truth and real, on-the-ground facts. Watch for speakers from all corners of the world across different continents and walks of life. For more info about past broadcasts, past speakers, details, syndication suggestions and more please visit:

If you would like to present a presentation please send inquiries to


In order for Sovereigns to succeed, it’s important for everyone to be in the loop on what everyone else (and the Sovereigns as a whole) is working on.

We look forward to everyone participating in these meetings. One of the reasons for having frequent status update meetings is the need for sharing information and staying up to date on relevant progress and changes.

Timothy Polhamus – How to Create Currency for Local Communities Videos

BC Pacific Time 6 PM
Alberta Mountain Time 7 PM
Manitoba Central Time 8 PM
Ontario Eastern Time 9 PM
New Brunswick Atlantic Time 10 PM
Quebec Atlantic Time 10 PM
Nova Scotia Atlantic Time 11 PM
Newfoundland 12 30 PM -
( We will record the meetings for those who may have miss the meeting)

Each Sovereign has unique and potentially influential information to share with the rest of the group. In order for everyone to be on the same page, it is important that each team member share this information. Not only will this help align the goals of the Sovereign but it helps to build a sense of authenticity and trust among Sovereign. In this way, Sovereign will feel more comfortable contributing to the conversation and will know that they are being heard. Great teams function as a result of these types of connections.

Facebook Pages for the Following:

We The People Constitutional Conventions
Constitutional Convention British Columbia
Constitutional Convention Alberta
Constitutional Convention Saskatchewan
Constitutional Convention Manitoba
Constitutional Convention Ontario
Constitutional Convention New Brunswick
Constitutional Convention Quebec
Constitutional Convention Nova Scotia
Constitutional Convention Prince Edward Island
Constitution Convention Newfoundland and Labrador
Constitutional Convention Yukon
Constitutional convention Northwest Territories

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