How to be happy? Know a secret step!

2 years ago

We all do activities to make someone happy, either our loved ones or sometimes even strangers. However, for us actions are categorised only in two categories - good or bad, but how about if there is a third category - neutral?
We have been conditioned to think only two-fold - good or bad but what we think as doing good is just being neutral. Like your children not creating trouble for you is not good, its just being neutral.
In company meetings, a colleague told me that someone approached her for a job and she agreed to help however, she did not collect his resume while leaving. Thus agreeing to help was just being neutral and collecting the resume while leaving would have been good.
Thus, we must try and categorise every actions into three - Good, bad & neutral. This is the key to happiness.
Concept by: Biju Jayaraaj

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