Live From America 5.3.22 @11am GOD IS WINNING! END BABY MURDER NOW!!

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The communist activists were called to duty last night as news of SCOTUS opinion leaked - This is a left wing insurrection to intimidate Justices and needs to be investigated - Wailing and Gnashing of the teeth filled D.C last night - The Swamp Donkeys weigh in on SCOTUS news - John Roberts failed us again last night - We as a country need to rid our states of the E.R.I.C system funded by Soros - We all need to re-register after the midterms - 2000 Mules is selling out in theaters everywhere - The left doesn't know what to do on defense so they scream - Grand Jury to investigate Trump in GA - AZ AG Mark Brnovich is free falling in the polls - DUM DUM AWARD for the month of April

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