Pyschology & The Church "Doctrines of Demons"

2 years ago

For instance, psychology’s “self-actualization” is a process that leads to self-deification, which ultimately replaces any need for salvation outside humanity. Knowledge : The deification process for humanity involves methods of plumbing the depths of the unconscious, which is alleged to be the infinite reservoir that holds all mysteries of life.

Sadly, these doctrines of devils now permeate “Christian psychology.” Few evangelicals realize that these demonic teachings were introduced to the “founding fathers of psychological counseling” literally by “seducing spirits.” — T.A. McMahon, TBC "Psychology and the Doctrines of Devils,"

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” —[1 Timothy:4:1]

Video Credit TBC

Additional Teachings on Godly Counsel via the Holy Spirit and God's Word.


A tragic, growing crisis is facing the Lord’s church concerning the ministry of counseling. An increasing number of churches and church leaders are forsaking God’s way of counseling and turning to man’s ways. They are relying more on psychological theories and less on the word of God. They are turning to the “experts” of the world instead of to the family of God. Counseling God’s Way is a call for God’s people to return to Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor, so that we may avoid the pitfalls of following after man’s wisdom, and trust the Lord Jesus for His infinite, reliable riches that are ours in Christ. -Bob Hoekstra

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