001 Battle in the Culture

2 years ago

There is no question that there is a battle going on in our culture today. It is a battle between lies and the truth. It is a big topic and there are so many individual battles going on within this massive battle. One topic in particular is what we are talking about today: the lies and the truth surrounding marriage and the family.

Even this is a HUGE topic. Between what marriage is and what is not is even vast. It is a huge topic because, as most people will get married, it effects everyone. Society is built on the backbone of the family. Tear down the family and society crumbles. This battle effects everyone.

Married couples are navigating the battle from one perspective, but the question I want to pose is: how does this battle impact those who aren’t yet married? It effects them in a very specific and confusing way.

The confusion that surrounds this battle is the work of the devil. The devil does two things - he makes so much noise in the culture that it becomes really confusing and hard to navigate and find the truth. With so much noise, it can be hard to hear the truth even if its right in front of you. The other thing that the devil does is he creates an illusion of isolation so that if you happen to find the truth, you feel like you’re the only one who believes it. Living the truth in this culture is difficult enough, but when you believe that you are the only one striving for these things, then it becomes infinitely more difficult.

There is an obvious need to learn how to decipher the truth and I wish it was as easy as follow these 3 steps. But it’s not. The truth is that it takes a life time of honing your truth meter and constantly striving to stay aligned to the truth.

Once the truth is found however, the battle is not over! We need perseverance, accountability and community to come up around us and champion us on. We need to struggle towards the truth with others, we are social creatures after all. We need the outlet to discuss our thoughts and hearts with others. We need to be seen in the struggle. As humans we are not perfect, we mess up. We need to be seen as human, as erring. In the world of social media it is nearly impossible not to feel like you can’t show the messy parts of your life to others.

Even with all of this we cannot do it alone. We need true human community but also we need Christ. We need His truth, and His example. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

What do we do with all of this now? First we need to find human community and run together toward Christ and His truth. I hope you all have supportive communities around you but if not, please reach out! I would love to support you in any way that I can.

Website: www.theblvedcollective.com
Instagram: @theblvedcollective
Youtube: The BLVED Collective

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