Totnes Freedom Conference Rotherfold Square April 2022

2 years ago
Check out the website to watch our in house
videos on recent demonstrations, marches, protests, open mic sessions and
street conferences featuring fascinating researchers, retired Professors and
medical professionals. See the famous Awakening Conference they tried to
ban and inspire yourself to come to the next street event.
Sandi Adams
Sandi has extensively researched UN Agenda 21/2030 for over 11 years.
She reveals how this agenda is behind The Great Reset, a plan to rob us
of our personal freedom through Global Governance. Sandi also reveals
the truth behind Sustainable Development, The Smart City Agenda and
the health risks of 5G.
Prof. Mike Lister
Mike's talk is "The Illusion of Democracy". He is a Former Principal
Business Fellow of the University of Southampton and Visiting Professor
of London Metropolitan University and past member of Parliamentary
Information Technology Committee. He is also a Business owner and
software developer.
Dr. David Halpin
"Exposing the truth about masks, lockdowns and vaccinations". Dr Halpin
is a retired NHS Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon from Torbay Hospital. He
is a tireless peace activist working against injustice and oppression. He is
also a NHS whistleblower speaking his truth about the outright lies told by
those in control of the current psychological operation.
Dr. Stephen Hopwood
Dr Stephen Hopwood is a qualified medical doctor, naturopath and
acupuncturist. He stood as an independent MP candidate in 2012 and
has been campaigning for the exposure of elite corruption and their
implementation of a Totalitarian State for over a decade in Totes. He will
be speaking about local community action groups & what we can all do.
Benn Carey
Benn Carey is a father, teacher and mentor who has travelled the world
observing the incredible awakening of consciousness currently taking
place. Having felt his education was nothing more than indoctrination,
he has spent many years joining the dots of the system of enslavement
currently terrified of our transformation of consciousness.

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