Let's Not Forget Tour Stop 3 - Towai Tavern, Whangarei - Northland

2 years ago

Brad Flutey was the MC for another backed out gathering in Whangarei. Our host Charlie, at Towai Tavern was very happy to have us back.

Brad updated the audience on the Marsden Point dig in, including a chat at the end with a refinery worker, ACC Advisor Jeanette Brock gave us an update on her work with jab injured, Matt King discussed his new political party Democracy Now, Claire Swinney did a book review on Klaus Schwab's book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Magaret Coutts from VFF discussed our Bill of Rights and others including 11 year old Smith, who stole the show, shared their thoughts.

If you can afford it, we'd appreciate your donation to help us get the tour bus on the road - https://counterspinmedia.com/donate

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