Depth Healing Legacy Podcast 005 - Jeff Brittain - Sometimes All We Need Heartfelt Hug

2 years ago

#poweroftouch #hugsheal #howtocompleteopposites
Sometimes all we need is a hug. Touch... is a powerful thing. Take the time to hold onto someone the next time you hug them. Hold them beyond that uncomfortable awkward stage and allow your hearts to truly connect. The ugliest of all evils can be healed with LOVE.
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For this edition of LEGACY, Dr. G interviews his dear friend, Dr. Jeff Brittain DC.
Dr. G met Dr. Brittain in Houston TX in 2004 when he moved there to complete his education as a Chiropractor at Texas Chiropractic College. They became fast friends quickly, and Dr. Brittain became one of Dr. G’s most influential mentors.
In this excellent interview you will be given pearls of wisdom from a very profound and highly conscious Master Doctor of tremendous depth - Dr. Jeff Brittain.
Dr. Brittain has been providing innovative wellness healthcare for almost 35 years in a private referral-based practice. He attended Texas Chiropractic College and received his doctorate in 1987. Dr. Brittain taught postgraduate chiropractic state board-approved courses in biochemistry and nutrition. He has been an approved professional provider with the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and for the Texas Board of Acupuncture Providers. He is certified in Functional Medicine, and level three certified in Network Chiropractic Spinal Analysis. He has extensive knowledge in functional neurology, biochemistry, and exercise physiology; utilizing many methods within the art and science of chiropractic.
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