Dare to Be Mediocre

2 years ago

Reading of my June 10, 2020 blog post of "Dare to Be Mediocre" for folks who prefer audio/video.

In this video, I discuss how life is a series of trade-offs and so you must accept being "okay" or "good enough" in some areas if you want to be "the best" in your most important areas.

Blog Post: https://yourmeaninginlife.com/blog/dare-to-be-mediocre

Research cited: http://www.wisebrain.org/media/Papers/maximizing.pdf

Site: www.yourmeaninginlife.com
The Meaning of Life Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082RHWM63/
The X-Factor: The Spiritual Secrets Behind Successful Executives & Entrepreneurs: https://www.amazon.com/X-Factor-Spiritual-Successful-Executives-Entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B09J45JDXG/

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