ASMR Crisp n' Clicky Inaudible Whispers ,Typing, Writing & Hairbrush sounds satisfying sound

2 years ago

whispering video but with something more than just me talking absolute nonsense for half an hour so instead you get me talking absolute nonsense with the addition of some of my fave triggers! 😜 Clicky clacky typing, hard candy mouth sounds (it was supposed to be pop rocks but who knew that if you keep the same packet of pop rocks for years they stop 'popping', probs should have thrown them out ages out... 😅😅), hair brushing and writing sounds - omgggg the writing sounds are TOO good! I think I'm going to have to do some sort of questionnaire RP bc I need more of those pen-to-paper sounds in my life 🤤

So good to be backkkkkk! Love you lots, deeply and always, Quiet X

00:00 Endel
2:15 pure inaudible whispers
11:13 keyboard typing
18:34 hard candy
23:33 hair brush
29:58 writing sounds

#asmr sound
#asmr relax
#asmr satisfying

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