Our Deep & Desperate Need for More of God by Dr Michael H Yeager

3 years ago

God Wants to Take Us into a Much Deeper Place! Remember he is not a respecter of men. God does not have any favorites. What determines how deep we go in God, and how high we reach is Our Hunger for Him and the Truth. Your desperation for God determines what God can do for you, in you, and through you.

Our greatest need is not to be loved! Why do I say this? Because we already are loved! God so loved you that he gave his only begotten son. Then What Is Our Greatest Need? Our greatest need is to Develop a Deep & Desperate Hunger for God!

Philippians 3:1-16 That I Might Know Him
After All That Paul Had Experienced He Said: I Want More of God. But did not Paul know God? Yes to some extent but not to the fullest extent. Mike Yeager do you know God? Yes, to some extent, but just the tip of the iceberg.

If you ever lose your Hunger, Desperation, Desire, Thirst for God, and the Truth, you are finished spiritually speaking. You are a dead man walking. The prodigal son until he repented was dead to the Father. I am sorry to say that most Christians that I have known through the years have almost no hunger, thirst, desire, yearning, or passion for Jesus or the Truth!

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