Have You Been Lied To By People You Trusted?

2 years ago

Our first upload! What to choose? This is a tasty Post-Orthodoxy microdose from our weekly interactive livestream on January 30th, 2022. Find the whole episode by searching for Post-Orthodoxy on FB or YT, find more microdoses on twitch.tv/TheSeviers, or listen to the audio as a podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Google, or Podbean. If you take value from our work, become a $5 a month subscriber on PostOrthodoxy.com.
Dark Sevier, Memetic Mediator, and Ainsley Sevier, Psychic Doula, work to reduce harm and build community thru challenging dogmatic thinking. A house divided cannot stand. Viewer discretion advised! We question everything, diagnose cultish behavior, and are building an Outpost in the Borderlands between belief systems, where we can empower each other toward cognitive sovereignty. Your sacred cows may get poked. What's outside your reality bubble?

Common topics include cognitive dissonance, personal biases, post-partisanship, Trauma Superpowersâ„¢, media critiques, conspiracy analysis, meme warfare, visions of possible futures, prescribed distractions, social justice, re-imagined histories, psycho-spiritual mumbo jumbo, entheogenic insights, metamodernism, religious trauma, etc.

Post-Orthodoxy might be a perfect community for you if:
- you find yourself wondering what’s really going on
- you’ve had to give up important relationships because your beliefs changed
- someone introduced you to a new way of perceiving reality
- you get a thrill from challenging your own mind and perspectives
- etc.

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