FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 38 = Chapter 12, Part A - War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State

2 years ago

Pages 376-445

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military-industrial complex needed a reason to continue to take taxpayer money and justify its share of our GDP.

“Terrorism” represented a great potential thing to have a war against, since in fact, it is impossible to vanquish, thereby ensuring a continual fear-war-take-all-your-wealth fighting an unknown enemy cycle.

But, people are resilient, and the fear of dying from a terrorism attack, and sustaining public fear to justify spending their hard-earned tax dollars was difficult to maintain with the American public.

So Pentagon planners were looking ahead to a new war… a war on an invisible and misunderstood enemy…. a war on GERMS!!!!!


Now, there wasn’t actually a concern about germs, because anyone who knows history and science will understand that humans have been evolving with viruses and bacteria for as long as we have existed, and therefore have immune systems designed to fight off dangerous pathogens. No, this war on germs was for a more sinister reason.

BOOK, PAGE 381 “Biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial. Biological warfare’s potential to create significant economic losses and consequent political instability, coupled with plausible deniability, exceeds the possibilities of any other human weapon”.

So you’re saying that people want to develop biological weapons for war while telling their constituencies that they are manufacturing them to combat disease?!?!

So that’s what was happening in Ukraine. You sneaky little bastards!

Starting in 1999, and maybe sooner, various bureaucratic government agencies started simulating pandemics and what the response would be in the name of “biosecurity”. Of course Bill Gates was the largest private funder to this enterprise.

At NO TIME in these simulations were things like bolstering and building your immune system through healthy lifestyle choices, as well as the intake of important vitamins like Vitamin D - at no time were these discussed to help “save people”.

BOOK, Page 382, “Instead, the simulations war-gamed how to use police powers to detain and quarantine citizens, how to impose martial law, how to control messaging by deploying propaganda, how to employ censorship to silence dissent, and how to mandate masks, lockdowns, and coercive vaccinations and conduct track-and-trace surveillance among potentially reluctant populations”.

This was never about protecting health, or learning about disease - this has been and will always be about control, power, and the manipulation of the human consciousness. So wake up people and grab your immunity by the balls.

More in the next installment!

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