Choices Choices

2 years ago

I was thinking about this today: We are on the ledge of hell, teetering back and forth, off balance, out of alignment with God, and we really think we won’t fall in? Are we that good or are we that prideful and foolish? Pride goes before a fall. I love to watch the waves at the beach and today as I was sitting there watching the waves, I thought: you know, the choices I make today, they will crash on the shore of my life and wash inland effecting everyone walking with me. Choices matter and I can’t let pride drive my choice. Every single choice we make, on this day, from every moment to every decision, compounds and matters in a good way or a bad way. Consistent bad choices will drift me away from God as choices compound and my alignment with God shifts, therefore my choices follow. Our choices are not made alone, they affect other people. We can be navigated by God to make good choices as we follow after His way, truth and life. God is present, with us and is here for us, to direct us, strengthen us and help us make good choices. Walking apart from God, it is a 50-50 choice of good or bad, a rolling of the dice and the result of a bad choice, the odds are not good that the consequences will be felt by many. Do I want to roll the dice when my family, friends, neighbors and reputation is at stake or do I want to go with the sure thing? Make the right choice. Going all in with God, seeking God, looking for the truth and making a good choice is the best kind of living. A good choice, is not a impulsive choice, it is a well thought out, directed by God choice, which makes it good. People get so sloppy in their choices, focused on selfish wants, not caring about what that choice might mean to others, this is not good and does not end well. Compounded good choices, create good consequences, good reactions, good attitudes, good outcomes and a good life for you and all those you are doing life with. The goodness of God is seen in our choices, good choice after good choice. The result of many, many good choices is contagious in God’s goodness, replicating and mirroring the godliness of our Lord, and creates a living legacy that is really a sweet heirloom for your family. This is why we follow after God in followship of Him, listening up, learning from His Word, being shaped by His Voice about the best choices we can make, and being a godly example to the generation underneath us by the choices we make. Pass on a godly life choice by choice as you make the next right choice and honor God, bringing glory to Him. Dig Deeper:

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