GogMagog-19 | Yajooj Majooj | Build corruption, destroy corruption | Problem, solution | both=poison

3 years ago

Sidi AbuBilaal Yakub
(Our learned and insightful elder brother in Canada)

Circus-19 | Prophesied Fitna of Staying at Home & Social Distancing

Following Dhul Qarnayn's third journey and tracing Gog and Magog's genealogy through history as well as understanding their core attribution and manifestation in the world today


The Hegelian Dialectic:
Problem (Thesis) --- Reaction (Anti-thesis) --- Solution (Synthesis)
same as Ordo AbChao (Order out of Chaos)

The synthesis is always setup as the goal (the agenda) tricking the public into believing that the two extreme polarising parties, views, beliefs or opinions have come to a balanced agreement (a "solution").

It must be understood that the label "solution" is also misleading as it is always a much more sinister, insidious, obfuscated, permanent poison setup before creating the smaller temporary poison as a "problem".

Hint: search 3rd strand (22)
3 x 22
322 (Skull & Bones)

Genesis 3:22, NIV:
"And the LORD God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.'"


Choice is an illusion | Follow the money | Monopoly

True Lies | Nonlinear Warfare | Destabilised Perception | Inaction | Acquiesce | New Secular Order

Controlled Opposition- Sacha Stone Madej Tenpenny Buttar Icke Mikovitz Bigtree Kennedy Kaufman Cowan

Why average Joe should know


More from the dear respected brother:
Circus-19 | Prophesied Fitna of Staying at Home & Social Distancing, and Joy & Sorrow during Despair

The Three Questions (his book):

Original source (full length video):
Surah Kahf and the Dajjalic Age - Session 13

#islamicphilosophy #surahkahf #eschatology

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