Authenticity is Key with Kevin Roth

2 years ago

‘I think the first thing you have to figure out is what consciousness is. Nobody knows what it is because it’s formless. You have these old spiritual teachers talking about God, and that life is a dream, and nowadays you have people like Deepak Chopra, Oprah, and Eckhart Tolle saying that life is a dream, and it’s all about consciousness. But what is consciousness? It has a presence in everything in the dream and not in the dream. It’s a personal kind of search as to how you relate to that. We really need to surrender to what that consciousness is for you, whether it’s God, Jesus, Buddha, Peter, Paul or Mary, surrendering to that higher power of essence is key.’ ~ Kevin Roth

‘There’s nothing wrong with having money. I have several clients who are really, really rich, and they come to me very unhappy. Money isn’t the issue though. They give it power when really it’s powerless. It’s an exchange, and it can be given and taken in a heartbeat. I lost a lot of money when the stock and real estate market crashed. What you need to do is look at your value system and get back to who you are so that you can have money work for you and not against you.’ ~ Kevin Roth

‘I actually have hope for the world because the younger generation are getting rid of people like Putin, and they want to breathe, and they don’t want the terrible things that have occurred, although everything is occurring for a reason. What really comes to mind is this whole war thing in the Ukraine, and the amount of tragedy, BUT the amount of empathy that the world is showing. What I want for the world is for people to figure out, and I think that they will, because they’ve got to, how to not have war and starvation anymore. The younger generation isn’t taking this shit from these old people and they’re getting out of it.’ ~ Kevin Roth

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