C&C Generals Rise of the Reds Superweapons Showcase

2 years ago

A showcase of the Rise of The Reds mod's added/edited superweapons (Version shown is 1.87 PB 2), To Qualify as one It must be VERY destructive either doing a lot of damage and/or otherwise disrupting the enemy as it does damage, or be a buildable weapon structure meant to be used/launched at the enemy base. Russia even has it's own nuclear ICBM silo and uses it another superweapon it can build alongside it's Tremor AGAS (and has a small building footprint/hitbox and can reload quickly if you got the resources to procure them). ECA can also have the Pandora Protocol modify it's Solar Relay.

The Mod can be found on ModDB, Look it up, it further modifies Rise of the Reds 1.87 PB 2.0 for C&C Generals Zero Hour so both are required. It is also possible to procure Rise of the Reds 1.87 PB 2.0 through the GenLauncher tool for C&C Generals Zero Hour which can be found on ModDB.

The list of Rise of the Reds Superweapons (in Alphabetical order) where the superweapons are showcased and timestamped.

0:00: ECA Bomblet Strike
0:12: USA Carpet Bombing
0:30: Russia Father Of All Bombs
0:45: ECA Grand Slam Bomb (Well this weapon was Fairly Unique)
0:58: Russia ICBM
1:44: China Napalm Strike
2:03: China Nuclear Missile (Comes with custom graphics on the ground that tells you used it).
2:34: ECA Pandora Modified Solar Burst
2:57: China Parabombs
3:15: USA Particle Cannon.
3:43: ECA Solar Burst
4:15: GLA SCUD Storm.
4:50: Russia Tremor AGAS

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