Free Speech CENSORSHIP & Dr. Seuss 2022

2 years ago

A thank you to my new viewers & subscribers with a video on Free Speech Censorship and Dr. Seuss. Links related to this video are at the bottom of this description, where you can directly access sources or do more in-depth research on any of the topics covered.

This year 2022, Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel), among many other writers, was called racist by our nation's leadership, including by Joe Biden. Six Dr. Seuss books were taken out of print last year, in March 2021. At that time, I posted a piece of writing about the censorship of free speech and the mislabeling of Dr Seuss (and other writers and artists) by the mainstream media MSM and by American leadership as "dangerous to our nation's youth". In this video, I revisit this writing by reading it from the blog on my website, combined with related visual news, media and video clips.

This video also provides a bit about myself, as a brief introduction to further releases I'm planning (including more songs / music, as well as more political analysis videos).

Please don't hesitate to leave me a note in the comments section below, or let me know if there's a pending piece of legislation, a bill or new law in your state (or country!) that you'd like to have me analyze in an upcoming video.

A HUGE THANKS to everyone for watching! I'm working on getting more videos out, including a new song, very soon.

*Note: My last video was a bit too large for Bitchute and I'm still trying to get it uploaded to Rumble as well (it takes a complete day to upload one video to one platform, with how slow the internet functions while overseas. I'm now on day 2 of trying to upload this one here...). Apologies for the technical difficulties. I'll do my best to get the other videos posted to all three platforms as soon as possible.

(related to topics and sources covered in this video):

Free Speech Links:

Alan Dershowitz on Safe Spaces for university students

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Here’s the raw footage link to Hitler's Nazi National Book Burning Day 1933:

Yuri Bezmenov "Love Letter to America" (read it in English for free here):
love-letter-america.pdf (go to first lik above, then this one to download the complete book in pdf format to read on your screen)

American Library Association (ALA) [great for censorship statistics and monitoring book bans]:

Simon Campbell (First Amendment Rights / Freedom of Speech):

Tibet Links:

Watch old footage of Tibet at the Dalai Lama’s own Youtube channel. (He still lives in exile and cannot return to Tibet. Many posts and old video footage has already been deleted/censored:

Lhasa Destruction in 2013:

China’s ongoing Buddha destruction 2022:

China Censors Hiphop:

McCarthy Footage:
Discovery Channel on "Discovery Education"

Senator Joseph McCarthy Bio at the US Senate website:

Mainstream Media clips:
- Steven Colbert: "Time to Retire Books with Racist Imagery"

- Washington Post: "Dr. Seuss Books are Racist"

- Fox clip interviewing Alan Dershowitz re Safe Space creation in universities:

Please let me know if I accidentally omitted any link here (for material shown in this video) and I'll be happy to add it here.

Kvasir Today channel is now available on Rumble, Bitchute, Locals, Instagram, and here on YouTube. Or visit me or leave a comment on my website's blog page:

Thank you for watching!
Sarah Holloch Weingarten / Kvasir Today

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