Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler #16 with Dann the CD born MAN on 5-01-22.#16 bowl video

2 years ago

Bowled with NO hook 18 games in 2 hours with a 215 avg. high game of a 277.
Today I didn't stay on the 32en board but started on the 12th board (I mean I stand on the 13th board with my right foot to the right of the 13th board lined straight with the 12th board) & Kitty corner bowled shot meaning I lay the straight ball down at at the foul line around the 3rd board from the gutter & tried to stay deep on the right side of the head pin.
To me Kitty corner bowling means I angle the ball from the 3rd board at the foul line to the 18th board on the head pin or deep on the head pin again with ZERO hook straight to the deep right side of the head pin.
So from the 3rd board at the foul line to around the 18th board at the head pin. the head pin sets on center of the 20th board.
The 215 avg is the best I've done so far this year in N0-tap bowling. the reason I did it this way is because I tend to roll the ball more into the head pin then away from the head pin as to get better pin count. I'll stick with this Kitty Corner type straight line bowling to see where I can take it.
It did seem to hit the pins better more often & I didn't pull the ball as much either. I need to increase my speed though because I was only throwing the ball around 14 to 15 MPH & I need 16 MPH or better. but it turned out good today. I almost had a NO-tap 300. I only screwed up the 5th frame, all other frames were strikes. that 5th frame was a 7 count then I picked up the 3 pins I left for a 277 game. its the BEST I've done so far this year! today Sunday 5-1-22 at airway lanes on portage St across from the airport on portage rd. I feel I do have the right ball weight at 10lbs

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