Kilo the rooster, with his goat and sheep flock (ft. Laurie Garnder's cover of Dreams)

2 years ago

rI didn't even realize Kilo had a name until after the fire. Apparently he got a name when the flock was being fostered during our move. After the fire, Kilo wouldn't let us get within 50 feet of him. So, we decided to just let him roam free. He'd taken up residence with the goats and sheep. Until the chickens came home, we were pretty sure he thought they were his new flock. He came to the door every morning and crowed until we went outside and fed everyone. He either played with, or tolerated the lambs and had become extremely comfortable with everyone, including the humans.

I was playing around with some video editing software and thought I'd do a video and highlight some music I found on YT of a young artist named Laurie Gardner doing a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams". She has an engaging presence and an amazing voice. I highly recommend her channel:

Music - Laurie Gardner cover of "Dreams"

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Music by Laurie Gardner and Fleetwood Mac

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