May 1 2022: Test of Faith for the Pulpit and the Pew

2 years ago

Test of Faith for the Pulpit and the Pew
Pastor Gary Denbow
2 Corinthians 11:15

1. The problem in the pulpit.
• Old Testament prophets: “Holy Men of God”, “Watchmen”

• The preacher is called by God, filled with His Spirit, and anointed by God to proclaim the truth.

• The admonition is this: Man or woman of God, be the person God has called you to be, named you to be, and anointed you to be in the pulpit and in your daily lives.

2. The problem in the practice of our faith.
• Some do not follow mandates of the Word of God; some do not practice truth.

• Speak forcefully the truth, declare it from pulpit and pew, obey it in daily living, be established on it as a house on firm foundation

3. The problem in the pew.
• Do you know, have you had a genuine experience of salvation at the cross of Christ? Are you sure you have right standing with God?

• Are you experiencing growth and maturity in your walk with Christ; in prayer, meditating on the Word, Holy Spirit baptism, operating in the gifts of the Spirit?

• Do you have a desire to spread the good news of the kingdom of God, are you a “living epistle known and read of everyone”?

• Are you bringing others to Christ through every possible means?

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