Update #1 - Dr. Ardis - Scientist finds Cobra Venom in VAXX Vials & Spike Protein - Heart Attack Gun

2 years ago

Update #1 - Dr. Ardis - Scientist finds Cobra Venom in VAXX Vials & Spike Protein - Heart Attack Gun

Dr. Bryan Ardis has been warning people about the dangers of Remdesivir throughout the past two years.

In this update since the BOMBSHELL interview with Mike Adams (https://rumble.com/v117dr1), Dr. Ardis joins Maria Zeee to explain the latest news about snake venom found within vaccine vials and within the shots. Excerpts from Stew Peters, Dr. Jane Ruby, Karen Kingston and Dr. Tau Braun interviews, all converge to prove the virus and vaccines are linked to snakes and found in the Pfizer vials.


► Dr. Ardis: "There is a CIA Heart Attack Gun"...

In 1975 a congressional hearing revealed the CIA had numerous top-secret weapons including a gun that became known as the “CIA heart attack gun.”
In 1975 Congress investigated the CIA out of concern that former President Nixon may have used the CIA in an abuse of his powers. Nixon had resigned from office the previous year on August 9, 1974, fearing impeachment amidst the Watergate scandal. One revelation from the Congressional hearings was that the CIA had a secret assassination weapon otherwise known as the “heart attack gun”.

According to a video interview with Mary Embree, a former CIA employee, she was asked to help develop an “ice gun”. The CIA asked her to help find a poison which when administered would mimic a heart attack in a person but remain undetectable.

She said the heart attack gun reportedly could pierce through clothing, leaving no signs of impact on the skin except a small red dot. The targeted person would feel nothing beyond a slight sting, comparable to a mosquito bite.

In the 1998 video interview Embree said, “The poison was frozen into some sort of dart and then it was shot at very high speed into the person. When it reached the person it would melt inside them, and there would be a tiny red dot on their body, which was hard to detect. There wouldn’t be a needle or anything like that left in the person.”

The weapon, a modified Colt 1911, was mentioned during the infamous Church Committee probe in 1975, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence activities. The investigation lasted nine months.

Footage from the probe in 1975 has gone viral in recent years, after being shared by historians.


► Another researcher, Karen Kingston has found shocking evidence that leads further towards this virus being linked to snakes, and explains what this new information means for us.


► Dr. Ardis references this 2020 documentary called "1986: The Act" and exposes dangerous "Hot Lots" used then and now. This was done to hide geographical "Death Clusters" by using a different type of distribution strategy explained in this clip.

In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children and products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed-to-market for COVID-19 require even less rigorous testing of their capacity to cause harm. Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19.

This is a dramatic never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom and a mother's intuition is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?


► Dr. Jane Ruby unpacks the new scientific studies found on the TRUE origin of COVID-19. Dr. Jane and Stew Peters discuss what this could mean for society, and how we can get past this shocking discovery.


► Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Braun who said that what has been done is to combine the snake venom with the spike protein [snake venom is a protein] on the corona virus. That it is not air born but falls on surfaces, especially where people eat [produce a lot of saliva, and in bathrooms [fecal matter exposure].

► Dr. Braun is a U.S. National Counterterrorism & EMS Advisor and Trainer, Chief Scientist, Counter Bioterrorism Division, BioChem Engineering, Executive Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, and Clinical Psychologist. He researched and discovered the origin of Covid 19 was snake venom, before Dr. Ardis. Please go to drtaubraun.com to find out more about Dr. Braun.


Part 1 of 3 - Mike Adams with Dr. Bryan Ardis's BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, mRNA vaccines & Treatments

Are snake venom and COVID linked?

Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the global conspiracy and the biggest lie in history.

► Part 1 of 3 - Mike Adams with Dr. Bryan Ardis's BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, mRNA vaccines & Treatments

► Part 2 of 3 - Mike Adams with Dr. Bryan Ardis's BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, mRNA vaccines & Treatments

► Part 3 of 3 - Mike Adams with Dr. Bryan Ardis's BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, mRNA vaccines & Treatments


► The Universal Antidote - Kills all Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi
Watch Now: https://rumble.com/vreqb4

► Check out www.ExposingTheFDA.com to find out why the FDA covered up a cancer cure for 40+ years.


Click the links below to view the following documentaries...

► Plandemic part 1: https://rumble.com/vucd5n
► Plandemic part 2: https://rumble.com/vubz3c
► Plandemic part 3: https://rumble.com/vubtsp

► VAXXED part 1: https://rumble.com/vuk96q
► VAXXED part 2: https://rumble.com/vujbtc
► VAXXED part 3: https://rumble.com/vuim2o

► The Georgia Guidestones: https://rumble.com/vv0tag

Also visit...


► Visit https://howbad.info to find out how deadly your Vaccine batch number is and then visit the following link to see how to protect yourself whether you've been vaccinated or not...



Protocol 1: The Easiest Protocol of all with Chlorine Dioxide (Maintenance & Prophylactic)

► The following resource "Universal Antidote University Beginner Training Guidebook" includes a unbiased and invaluable list of suppliers from around the world.

...we do 'not' endorse any of the suppliers mentioned from the above link; however, after ordering from 3 of them, we found the following supplier had the most competitive pricing and delivery schedule...


Below are the resource links and info from "The Universal Antidote - Kills all Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi"...

Download "The Universal Antidote reference guidebook"

The full TUA documentary which can be found here...

The Universal Antidote University Beginner Training Guidebook

► The above resource "Universal Antidote University Beginner Training Guidebook" includes a unbiased and invaluable list of suppliers from around the world.

► The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications including Covid-19 and all variants.

► The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy of the universal antidote and provides interviews with physicians and people who have used it.


► Links to the original full length videos used to create "The Universal Antidote - Kills all Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi"...

The Universal Antidote official website for Chlorine Dioxide

The Universal Antidote (Rumble Video Channel)

Wife Fires Hospital Doctor! COVID maleficence Exposed. Budesonide success!

Doctor Finds Treatment For Vaxx Victims, Sees Major Improvement in Blood!


► Helpful Resources to understanding Chlorine Dioxide - MMS - CDS - Sodium Chlorite by Brian Stone...

Chlorine Dioxide Truth

Chlorine Dioxide? MMS? Sodium Chlorite? CDS? What is the difference between these?

What it is and Does...the effects of taking CD in your body and Herxheimer Reaction

Protocol 1: The Easiest Protocol of all with Chlorine Dioxide (Maintenance & Prophylactic)

Brian Stone's website

Brian Stone's Brighteon video channel

Brian Stone - Simple Molecular Medicines (Edition 3.0 final) PDF

Brian Stone channel


Video Links for the ABC’s of MMS


► Andreas Kalcker is a biophysical researcher of German origin who has lived most of his life in Spain and for many years resides in Switzerland where he has investigated and registered several international patents dealing with the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide for both hypoxia and for inflammation, infection, sepsis and Sars -Cov2 -Coronavirus.

Andreas Kalcker's website

Andreas Kalcker's video site

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) Clinical Trial: More Than 100 Covid-19 Patients Recovered - Andreas Kalcker

Chlorine Dioxide - MMS treatments for Cornavirus with Andreas Kalcker- A Simple Cure for 97% of Disease

Why ClO2 works against covid 19 a scientific aproach

Chlorine Dioxide for Coronavirus: a revolutionary, simple and effective approach

Interviewing Andreas Kalcker about Chlorine Dioxide ("The Universal Antidote")

Scientist cured of arthritis and then dedicates his life to helping others - Andreas Kalcker Interview

Andreas Kalcker cures Covid

Why stomach acid does not destroy CDS

How to make CDS - By Andreas Kalcker

The Antidote - Chlorine Dioxide is healing millions. Dr Andreas Kalcker gives and update.


Whether you're an Atheist or a Believer...


► NOTE: The above information will change as more information becomes available, so check back from time to time to stay current.

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