Relax... Nothing is Under Control

2 years ago

In what ways do you try to control your life? We all do it. It's a way that our body tries to keep us safe. The problem with control is that it prevents the magic and the mysticism from happening!

Notice the areas of your life that try to control. Have you also noticed frustration and disappointment in these areas? Often times the things that we want the most, we also try to control the most. This ends up creating resistance and preventing the magic from happening.

Instead, relax and let your life flow. Notice what magic shows up when you least expect it. Physically, you'll experience deeper breathing and better bowel movements. On your face, you'll see brighter skin, more sculpting and beautiful cheekbones!

On your face, the need to control shows up in your smile lines making them deep or droopy. The smile lines are also known as your life purpose lines. When these lines are present but not deep or droopy, it's an indication that you are on your life's path.

If they are are deep or droopy it can indicate constipation physically and old baggage (shit) slowing you down on. the path towards your purpose. You can use facial reflexology and fascia release work to change that energy!

To learn more about facial reflexology or to purchase your Magic Wand and Fascia Release tools, visit my website:

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