Jesus and Money in Mark

2 years ago

Today, we are going to look at Jesus’ thoughts on money from the book of Mark. The passages used are 7:9-14; 10:17-23 and 12:13-17, all from The Passion Translation, as usual.

As we look through your words about money in the Gospel of Mark, I invite you to come and show us these passages afresh. Holy Spirit, open our minds and hearts to receive what you have to say to us about money today. Help us to take what we each need from it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Below are my reflections on the above passages, then the takeaways, and a closing thought.

Here, we see Jesus speaking on what is a corect use for money, to honor and provide for elderly or disabled family members, but specifically parents. He took issue with the way the leaders of the day gave the people a way out of one of the 10 commandments. That is what religion does, though… rules upon rules, laws upon laws, then creates loopholes for some but not all. However, this was not the spirit of the law in question. Jesus set them straight.

This is almost a beat for beat copy of the story in Matthew 19. There are a few more details, but the story is the same. This is about moving one’s locus of affection (focal point of love and attention) from things of this earth to things of heaven. The rich man couldn’t have truly heard and received that which Jesus was teaching. He was too hung up on what he had, maintaining, and growing it. His heart was stuck here, and not ready to truly commit to Jesus’ teachings. He loved this world too much to be fully with Jesus. So here is what I hear Jesus saying about money in this passage: that which you value will consume your time and energy, so if it be money or things here on earth, you will not have space for the Kingdom within you, as you are full of earthly concerns that you cannot bear anything more weighty.

What about taxes? Who minted the coins? Whose face is on them? Since God is Spirit, it is not God’s face. It is the face of the heads of state (in our case, dead presidents and statesmen, for the most part), and they do not pay taxes (much) when they are in office or even after. Yet, they force us to slave for them to support their system, the same as it has been since the first kingdom and empire was founded in accordance with the demonic/ Babylonian concepts that continue to hold such sway over our world. Nonetheless, Jesus tells us to give them the unreal things that they created, but to save ourselves and our souls for him (these are the only things that truly matter, that really have value).

1) Honoring your parents when they are elderly, according to Torah is an appropriate use for money. Not doing that is sin, no matter how you slice it, no matter how selfish religious leaders try to tell you it isn’t.

2) Attachment to material riches or things keeps us from embracing that which truly matters, the Kingdom. Do not be like this young man who missed literally walking with Jesus because he couldn’t let go of worldly wealth. (there is nothing inherently wrong with money, just clinging to it for dear life).

3) Honor the laws of the country where you live. If there are taxes, pay them. As an anon-adjacent person, I struggle to write these words, as I fully believe that most of our current system is a fraud, that the IRS and tax code are and always were unconstitutional. The bottom line is, God doesn’t want or need your money, but He does desire YOU. Your time, your effort, your focus. So, give to Uncle Sam what is his, but give God His due even moreso.

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