Ottawa's Great Honk - The Return of The Freedom Convoy

2 years ago

The disdain revealed by power-hungry Politicians, cowardly police officers, 9th commandment Media violators, and not so neutral—but very political Judges was on full display in Canada during the Freedom Protest in the winter of 2022.

Ottawa's worst was also on full display - Steve Bell and Jim Watson Slanderous attempts to paint the freedom convoy protest, as anything other than peaceful, were embarrassing to the City of Ottawa. And insulting to every Canadian who showed up to this friendly event.

The duo would crush this peaceful protest in a manner that would make any tin-pot dictatorship proud.

But Trudeau, Bell and Watson did not account for a tiny detail. That detail was the freedom-flying convoy that is currently on its way to Ottawa.

The freedom force on its way to Ottawa goes by many names, such as "Cobra Chicken," "Hissing Cobra," "Canuck Honkers," and other characters.

It will be much more challenging to have Jackbooted mounted units and heavy-armed paramilitary units crack the skulls of these Peaceful Flyers. Although I am sure, Watson Trudeau and Bell are setting up AA flak Guns all around Ottawa to gun down as many Freedom Flyers as possible, in order to Prevent the "Great Honk" to be unleashed on Ottawa.

A Blog to this video will be uploaded in a couple of days.

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