rolling thunder 2022 april 30th 2022

2 years ago

I attended the freedom convoy during its visit to Ottawa and I figured why not check out rolling thunder as well it was a peaceful protest from what I seen with heavy police presence that was unnecessary cuz nobody was sending anything on fire threatening insurrection or any of the above if anything there was just a bunch of peace loving people men women children all races creeds and Origins if anything is just overreach by the city of Ottawa the police and mayor jim Watson so far all I have to say is hopefully there won't be a repeat of the freedom convoy police brutality Jack boot bullshit cuz honestly there's no threat to Canada with some innocent veteran bikers that served our country overseas just so we can have freedom it's just really sad when the government both Federal provincial and municipal all team up together just to squash everybody's right to freely protest and display civil disobedience whether it's with or without vehicle I think honestly yeah vehicles can be a weapon if you is wrongly but there was no real danger during the free and convoy the only danger there was was sour grapes for people who lived in centertown in my opinion it was just a bunch of old people that were cranky and millennials that were entitled just saying they could have invested in earplugs or earmuffs to block out the sound but no in my opinion it was on unjustifiable intent with malicious consequence not to mention they actually shot a journalist point blank with a tear gas canister and that journalist name is Alexa lavoie

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