Railway Station House 3D animation POV-Ray LDView MLCad

2 years ago

Railwaystation house '810', built digitally from the wooden toyset 'Matador'.
Digital bricks built by me (2009 - 2022) using MLCad and FreeCAD

Software used:
MLCad 3.51 (Lego, ldr model-creation)
LDCad 1.6d (Lego, ldr model-creation)
LDView 4.3 (Lego-Viewer)
L3P 1.4beta (translator ldr-model to POV-Ray)
POV-Ray 3.7 (renderer)
AWK 3.1 (automatic text-files modifications)
FreeCAD 0.19 ('cardboard'-creations: roof, rear wall, brick walls)
Avidemux 2.8.0 (video creation)
Audacity 3.1.3 (sound processing)

Real wooden bricks toyset invented by J.Korbuly, 1903

Digital bricks (free):

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