Premium Only Content Scammers Greta Crawford/Dayna Stevens Knock-off of the video I made-Update: The Woodfill Law Firm has cut ties with
Update: Due to continued social media harassment & violations by Dayna Stevens, Greta Crawford & Andrew Schenke of the site, The Woodfill Law Firm has removed their company from the website. It's just a matter of time for Sen. Hall, Dr. Bowden, Jennifer Bridges, et al to do the same. Truth perseveres.
You got your views, frauds. Was it worth it to hide the fact that I already painstakingly made one? to lose your souls for some views? to have the nerve to throw religion & God into the mix while you're being evil? Shame on all of you hypocrites. Sorry, Rebecca-Dayna's gone to the dark side. Who says, "No good deed goes unpunished?" Oscar Wilde & he was right.As a person told me in the comments below, they warned me to "shhhh". Link to my original one-WARNING: GRAPHIC-DECEASED PERSONS-APPROX.18-USA DEADLY PROTOCOLS EXPOSED Rumble kept deleting it when I showed others that I had already made one. Who says, "No good deed goes unpunished?" Oscar Wilde & he was right.
I found out that Dayna Stevens, who asked me to do the original for their group & I did, got with Greta to make a slightly different one so "they can get more views." I have that documented. Why? I already made one very much like this & not for my own entertainment, let me tell you.
I have another documentary to make before I die, yet Dayna lied SO well & cried SO much for "not getting any attention" that I did it anyway, on my hospice DYING time. It's the same exact format AND it's copyrighted. It's also because Greta Crawford wanted to take full credit & Dayna was more than happy to let her screw me so that's Rumble channel can get tons of views. When you look at their knock-off one on THEIR channel, they've gotten 7000+ views. Corrupt & thieves, I swear!
While me & so many others are having sympathy & compassion for these victim family members, it turns out that kind persons like ME are the ones getting screwed by THEM. Who would think anyone could take such advantage? I'm putting this up here to warn people. Don't believe that EVERY crying person is legit, ethical, has morals & certainly do not donate any money or buy any of their site's merchandise. Do NOT give them your stories because as you can see here, it's all for their OWN agenda, not the victim family members. I spent over a MONTH making the one I did in a very respectful way for Dayna & the Facebook victim families. Several people on Rumble's site threatened me, deleted the comments where I was letting the viewers know this is based on my original with the link provided. I have uploaded my original on here, but it had already been on Bitchute & Facebook for public viewing. I have quality content, I never do anything for views. When someone whom I trusted rips me off in such a way, it's an outright betrayal & clearly shows Dayna was not the ethical person I thought she was. She has lost all credibility & I no longer support her as I have many times these past few months with emails & phone calls. She is NOT representative of the other victim family members, other than the ones who threatened me here on Rumble (& now on BC & FB).
Note that Greta comments below & on their page that they have "no affiliation with formerfedsgroup." I already researched that & found the entire scam across several platforms, all detailed below & all of this info has been turned over to the Woodfill Law Firm. Woodfill employees have asked me several times, "Where are you seeing that on social media? We're trying to track down that source!" Well, who would ever have thought that it's their very own Greta, until yesterday. Ooops. That's what you get when you screw me over, people. Facts & evidence- that's my reputation, that's what I do.
Formerfedsgroup is also making victim videos, so there's no denying they're affiliated. Their Bitchute channel is ran by another corrupt person, you can read how she talks about people on her FB page while she's the one "in charge" of interviewing these folks.
Here's what I posted on Facebook when I found this video on Rumble. There are lots of liars on Rumble's, you can tell by the comments. "SINCE LOTS OF YOU MENTIONED BELOW ARE CLAIMING TO BE ACTING & PUBLISHING ON BEHALF OF WOODFILL LAW FIRM, YOU WILL BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT JARED AS WELL AS DR. BOWDEN & JENNIFER BRIDGES WERE SENT A COPY OF THIS POSTING (shown completely in this posting here on FB). Due to controversies among specific groups, websites, parties, etc., that keep popping up as "advocates" for protocol victims, I am officially withdrawing any & all support from the following listed below. They do not meet my high standard of ethics & morals. Wwg1wwga80 actually told me to "shhhh". They each have taken to finger-pointing to the other as "the problem" or outright denial of affiliations. They are so busy with bullying, lying & denying. HOW IS THIS HELPING VICTIMS IN ANY WAY?
They are already grief-stricken & it's hard to think or function after the horrors they've endured. I think you'll especially love the comments made to me on Rumble by (included below-thanks for the evidence, guys!). I am NOT withdrawing support of BC since there are actually some ethical persons such as myself on there, though admittedly there are some real nutcases as well.
These parties started out as well intentioned, but the increase in public exposure has also increased corruption, lack of respect for victims & total lack of overall oversight by anyone, other than me since I'm on quite a few platforms. Much work & support has been given by me with my limited time & I was glad to do it for "the cause", hospital deadly protocols. When push comes to shove, the people in charge of uploading content to sites are causing conflict problems that are brought to light & hard questions are asked by me. Sticking my own neck out as the moral fact-checker & defender that I am, it has finally come to this. My withdrawal of support does not mean there are no real victims-there are. I don't support exploitation for the hope of change that families want & deserve.
I have spent months in these areas researching, making phone calls to Woodfill as well as others, emailing, questioning, verifying, etc. It's really a shame that the root of the primary problem is getting lost in some persons' efforts for views & popularity vs. actual work to focus on helping the victims with offers of counseling or whatever they need RIGHT NOW, today, to handle just ONE more day. I also offered a Psychology report that I published to & said they are more than welcome to share it to the family members, no charge. It's based on my own crisis that caused PTSD. I got no response. I wonder where that will show up now? I withdraw my offer for use but am willing to email or post the link to any victim's family member.
Big-name individuals are allowing their names to be used while not researching the sites/parties who are using their name or image & are unaware that there are other agendas or ulterior motives (other than the ones I notified personally). I notified Alex at Woodfill Law Firm of the social media mess that has come to be & have kept him updated. He has always been respectful, forthcoming & shown sincere concern for the victims. Thanks, Alex!
I AM NOT FOR SALE TO ANYONE. I VALUE MY SELF-RESPECT & HONESTY AT ALL COSTS. How many of you would be acting these shameless ways if you knew you were dying tomorrow? or next week? or, if you're lucky, next month? Wonder why I'm not afraid to tell the truth? I AM dying.
Here are the parties:
https://former runs this channel on Bitchute, interviews of victim family members are being done by Carolyn Seay Blakeman.
Carolyn's FB page:
Carolyn Seay Blakeman (CC) (Former Feds Group banner)
Posted by Carolyn on her page- and SHE'S the one interviewing protocolkills' victims.
Carolyn Seay Blakeman
April 27 at 1:25 AM ·
You know when you do what I do and try and expose truth and help people , you are always going to run into those people that are not on the up and up. Whether fueled by jealously or just simply not a good person, comes with the territory. I usually don’t even give it the time a day, especially ones that are literally compulsive liars. The screen shots I get daily from people frustrated with an abundance of ridiculous texts, meanness, fakeness and complete lies could be easily outed but I really don’t have time to mess with such pathetic behavior.
But …. it is a total gift when they don’t know you well and their ignorance and compulsive lying gets ahold of them and they throw in one lie that is so hilarious and so easily proves them as what they really are… a liar, that I can’t help but let the 1000 people that know me, get a little laugh at it too. Had they stopped before this one, they may have fooled a few but now their cover is blown. They just showed the world they are a lying sociopath. Kinda feel sorry for them. Can’t control their lying.
Y’all ready to laugh….
Guess they should of stalked my Facebook or read an article from
my 7yr old conservative blog. Lol
They do call it COMPULSIVE lying for a reason, I guess. Not gonna bother with the rest of the paragraph, this should be enough to show what the know about me and how truthful they are. 😂
I’ll attach a few pics to help them if they stumble across this post. Or feel free to inform them in the comments of the mistruths they so boldly speak. Lol
Circled line of first picture… that’s what they tried to say was true about me. Almost busted out laughing if it wasn’t so pathetic."
Replies to my comments on Rumble when I pointed out that they copied my video, a little edited, but mainly the same format & some same footage. (I was told later that it was provided freely for the copied video "for more views".) It clearly shows the moral level of some & the lack of knowledge of others of the big picture.
The commenter of this reply apparently didn't know some victims' videos were being submitted elsewhere.
You previously commented on "Victims of Hospital Protocol" and now "DouglasMoore" has just posted a comment as well. Here is the full reply:
"That's funny my husband's pictures are in this video protocolkills did. His pictures have only been submitted to this organization. They've never ask me for $.".
Yours Truly,
There were previously links on Bitchute under americangranddaughter directly to formerfedsgroup, but they were deleted when I started asking questions. Everyone is back-peddling for whatever reason, most likely because I called them out on some questionable agenda. The link between americangranddaughter & formerfedgroups is confirmed by Carolyn Blakeman interviewing protocolkills victims on the americangranddaughter BC channel via formerfedsgroup, her Facebook page.
You previously commented on "Victims of Hospital Protocol" and now "therese1210" has just posted a comment as well. Here is the full reply:
"this video is 100% authentic made by greta and we have no affiliation with formerfeds".
Yours Truly,
I like this one especially, lol.
You previously commented on "Victims of Hospital Protocol" and now "Wwg1wwga80" has just posted a comment as well. Here is the full reply:
"If you do not know what you are taking about, then shhhhh. We are in no affiliation with formerfeds. We do this for FREE!!! And Jared is my lawyer so good luck with that. 😬".
Yours Truly,
Posted just a few hours ago. Here's your culprit, Woodfill.
Faithgjc, 6 hours ago
All the video content was sent directly to with the victim’s permission to use. This was created solely by Greta Crawford. has no affiliation with any other organization. Comments made to defame the organization, or the creator will be reviewed by an attorney and actions will be taken accordingly. God bless and focus on sharing the stories of the victims.
When I went back to the exact link on Rumble where I commented about the copied video, I saw that deleted my comments where I stated, "This is a copied video, here is my original.."
I also uploaded it to Rumble for others to see that I did it first with this in the description: "I found out today that has put a version of my original on their Rumble channel without my permission. ( See that video comment section for details of shadiness on their part to get high view counts vs. morals, ethics & integrity. It's been on my Bitchute channel since March 14. Link: I put it here so anyone can see it. Original description: "Here is the long-awaited video...".
I guess they didn't realize that their comments are sent to me via email as well. Those are the comments I have posted above from Rumble.
Here's how looks now (below) on Rumble after they deleted my comments. My Rumble channel name is nopeacehere (same as on BC) & is in green.
Victims of Hospital Protocol Published April 22, 2022 4,383 Views
Unfiltered101, 2 days ago
7 rumbles
nopeacehere, 22 hours ago
1 rumble
nopeacehere, 22 hours ago
1 rumble
Nursedebi, 2 days ago
As a Rn who retired 8 years ago, Iam so sad, angry that ppl are treated this way..these are human beings!!!
4 rumbles
Cenepk, 2 days ago
Death Camps. Don’t go near one !
4 rumbles
Vagabond23, 2 days ago
HOW can doctors and nurses do this!
4 rumbles
Cenepk, 2 days ago
For the money
3 rumbles
princessbec99, 2 days ago
One of those patients looks like my mom!
3 rumbles
nopeacehere, 23 hours ago
1 rumble
DouglasMoore, 1 day ago
it's pure torture.
2 rumbles
nopeacehere, 23 hours ago
1 rumble
Jazzilady49, 2 days ago
That was horrific. Can’t imagine doctors and nurses doing this to patients but they did and will continue until stopped.
2 rumbles
nopeacehere, 23 hours ago
2 rumbles
Faithgjc, 6 hours ago
All the video content was sent directly to with the victim’s permission to use. This was created solely by Greta Crawford. has no affiliation with any other organization. Comments made to defame the organization, or the creator will be reviewed by an attorney and actions will be taken accordingly. God bless and focus on sharing the stories of the victims.
1 rumble
nopeacehere, 23 hours ago
1 rumble
DouglasMoore, 7 hours ago
That's funny my husband's pictures are in this video protocolkills did. His pictures have only been submitted to this organization. They've never ask me for $.
1 rumble
therese1210, 7 hours ago
this video is 100% authentic made by greta and we have no affiliation with formerfeds
1 rumble
Wwg1wwga80, 7 hours ago
If you do not know what you are taking about, then shhhhh. We are in no affiliation with formerfeds. We do this for FREE!!! And Jared is my lawyer so good luck with that. 😬
1 rumble
Giastarlove, 1 day ago
The hospital killed my daddy on February 2022! They torture the daddy and my family.
1 rumble
nopeacehere, 23 hours ago
1 rumble
detrieman, 2 days ago
Ref also this
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